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Robin Holabird

No one makes it over the Borderlands

After years of saying practically the same thing about comic-book inspired movies, I developed a template (worthy of A.I.) that covers the basics in most Marvel and D.C. related projects. Sadly, I found it also works for Borderlands—inspired by a video game rather than comic franchise.  Here it goes:

In (insert name here- Borderlands), series dynamics move forward, though some action proves ridiculously unbelievable even for fantasy when (insert example here-a character says ‘didn’t see that one coming’ when it was easy to see everything in the movie coming/ Otherwise, the movie benefits from great casting and dynamic performances including good work by Oscar winner/s (insert name/s here-Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis)/ Director (insert name here-Eli Roth) skillfully coordinates CGI with live characters and action--though battles go on forever and the movie runs (insert number here -20) minutes longer than needed/ Production values remain high and include great uses of locations in (insert place here - Hungary)/”  End Template

I usually include an addendum with some specifics, like how the project’s mocking humor feels like an addition to the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise only with different characters and actors. Oh, and I should clarify my template’s reference to “dynamic performances” because no one did anything standout, which seems odd considering the talent involved. Also, given a dismal box office start, the bit about “series” dynamics may (hopefully) prove irrelevant.  

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